Sunny Leone is ready to burn the cinema screens with her upcoming Bollywood movie Ragini MMS 2. The shooting of Ragini MMS 2 has started in which Sunny Leone is going to do some of the hottest scenes of Bollywood history. Recently Sunny did a hot photos-hoot for ‘Smell of Sex’. In this shoot Sunny Leone is in Bikini in her bathroom. Some of the images or Pictures of that hot photo-shoot are given below.
Sunny Leone is busy in shooting of her second movie Ragini MMS 2. Sunny tweeted about this movie “Morning India! Couldn’t sleep last night & then woke up scared from one of the Ragini 2 scenes. Mr Bhushan is doing a great job getting me scared,”. Bhushan Kumar is the director of Ragini MMS 2.
Ragini MMS 2 is the sequel of 2011′s Ragini MMS. Shooting of Ragini MMS 2 will start very soon. Sunny Leone has already expressed her excitement about this movie and now this hot photo shoot, definitely Sunny is ready with something hot for her fans.
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